The State of Cartoons

Damn right SPOON!!! The Tick hates corn!!! I live in your poop

A couple of weeks ago I got to thinking about how great the cartoons were when I was a kid… I mean the late eighties and early nineties had some of the greatest cartoons in the history of animation. We had classics like Eek the Cat, The Tick, Ren and Stimpy, and TMNT (teenage mutant ninja turtles) for all you new age hippies. These shows are so good that if they were on today they’d be better then 99% of the crap out their on TV. I used to religiously watch these shows. After school, Saturday mornings, whenever I could take time out of my busy schedule of sticking things in my ear and digging holes to trap the old people in the neighborhood.

That brings up a big problem that I have… These cartoons that the media is putting out their for kids to watch today are totally insane. Japanamation is the worst disaster this country has incurred at the hands of the Japanese since Pearl Harbor. Have any of you heard of Pokemon. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!!! That little yellow thing is not a cartoon character. It actually looks like corn… really look at it, its corn. There was a reason the ninja turtles existed.. and you ask what that is… NUCLEAR OOZE you jackass. There was no ooze that fell on a cob of corn producing tons of electric niblits that save the day. People thought about cartoons in my day. This crap is mindless dribble that is used to hypnotize kids into silence; while there parents can grab a quickie in the tool shed. That thing doesn’t even speak English… what the hell is PIKA.. This Japanese propaganda has to stop now. We wonder why the Japanese our smarter then us. Because they don’t actually watch that crap. They export it to make other countries children dumber. You ever notice how all the characters have HUGE eyes. None of them are little slanty eyed dudes… there all huge jumbo-eyed maniacs. Kids in this country have ADD because they sit and watch that crap while they drool and have seizures for a full half hour, 8 times a day. GI Joe taught us great life lessons, like if you see a refrigerator in a field don’t go inside.. BECAUSE knowing is half the battle. Can you imagine what this world will be like in 20 years if this doesn’t stop… were gonna have a bunch of drooling retarded hippies worshipping corn who don’t know that they don’t belong inside abandon refrigerators.
