War Coverage

Saddam is a wangsta! Do you like my mustache?

I realize these are serious times we are in, and war is not a joking matter, but one specific aspect of this war really bothers me. I’m sure everyone out there has seen countless hours of footage of explosions, sandstorms, and protesting fruitcakes. The coverage of this war ridiculous.

The first aspect of “Operation Iraqi Freedoms” media coverage that bothers me is the sheer amount of reporters we have over there. Apparently it’s no longer acceptable to have a reporter in the country. He or she needs to be wielding a bazooka and wearing a suit of armor directly in the center of the battle. To me it doesn’t seem safe that we allow Geraldo Rivera in a battle. Firstly the guy has a gun, I don’t trust the aim of a former 80s talk show host. Secondly he looks way too much like the lovechild of Saddam Hussein and Cher, two people that any marine would surely shoot on sight. It also doesn’t seem too safe that we have Ted Koppel reporting from inside Iraq. Now Ted isn’t exactly a spring chicken. I’m fairly sure he’s 137 years old give or take and we have this man riding on a tank towards Iraq. Now what happens if they capture Ted Koppel? I’m almost certain Teddy isn’t going to last very long in an Iraqi prison. He probably wouldn’t even make it to the prison. His bones would be shaken to dust by the unstable ride of the Iraqis machine gun mounted 1978 dodge dart. Its not just NBC that sends news broadcasters to Iraq either. Every crappy little cable station is sending reporters over to the battles. MSNBC, WB, and UPN all have half-wit intern reporters sporting flack jackets and microphones in Iraq. What’s next? Is the food channel going to send Emiril over there? He’ll probably scream BAM! and somebody will think they’re getting shot at and order a napalm strike on his mobile pasta bar. Maybe BET will send 50 cent over. I mean the guy has already been shot like 9 times in the face. I don’t think the Iraqis could finish the job if the entire gang population of New York City couldn’t.

The next aspect of this war coverage that gets on my nerves is the coverage by the cable news stations. Is there a picture anywhere in that mess? I’m trying to find out how the war is going and all I can find is that the Columbus Blue Jackets and Tampa Bay Lightning skated to a 2 to 2 tie, that Xerox is up 3/8 of a dollar, and that Vin Diesel is dating Mandy Moore. There are so many scrolling messages and popup bulletins that the screen looks like some kind of acid trip from a 70s cartoon.

Well media has its advantages, but this is really out of hand. Keep our senior news anchors out of a hostile country we are invading and just tell us what is happening.

PS.. if you’re protesting in a tent outside of my school then you should expect and accept that people are going to throw fruit at you. Be lucky its only fruit. Most of you people could use a piece of fruit and maybe a shower. Hippies need to realize that a bunch of skinny, dirty, stinking dregs of society setting up their tents in a field does nothing accept annoy us normals. TAKE A SHOWER, EAT A BURGER, AND SLEEP IN A FRICKIN BED.. you’re useless!!
