In this movie, Whoopi plays a housekeeper (aka slave) to a father of a young child named Corrina (aka WASP family). They were very nice to her (kept her busy in the indigo fields).
Just because the people of America did not like this movie doesn't mean that they had to torture the poor Dutch population.
What turns out to be Whoopi's most popular film, where she plays a nun. Little does she know that in order to be a real nun, you are forbidden to have sex with Ted Danson.
As if the increased number of suicides in America wasn't enough, they decided to market this asstastic sequel to Spanish-speaking countries.
Need we say more...
Ahhhhhh...I don't know...
In this film, Whoopi is in a soapy orgy with a few washed-up 80's actors and America's favorite crackhead/music video lip-syncher Robert Downey Jr. Too bad she isn't in jail instead.
The cover of this movie features Brendan Frasier, Chris Kattan, and Whoopi herself. It's the potassium in the bananas that make her gums so plush.